Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cover Me

I learned a very simple song in my VBS days, and the lyrics go something like this, "I'm my Beloved and He is mine. His banner over me is love. (Repeat 2X) His banner over me is love." I remember singing my little heart out and had no clue about what a banner was or any other love outside of my very protective and nurturing family. I'm sure I had some silly grin plastered over my face as the music leader strummed the guitar and we sang along like good children did back then. Used as a sign of victory over defeat, banners can also represent a covering and protection, a shield of some sort. The Word says, “He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will quiet you with His love."

Jehovah Nissi~The Lord is my Banner

Are you waving the flag of victory? Or the doo-rag of defeat? Have you thrown in the towel? Or, are you standing boldly on the Word of God declaring the battle belongs to Him and you begin to praise your way out? With Jehovah Nissi, we are VICTORIOUS! We are OVERCOMERS! We are WINNERS! We can find rest in His shadow while being covered with His feathers and find refuge in His wings. There is nothing like taking shelter in His arms. NOTHING!

Moses had a very long day fighting against the Amalekites. But before Moses could fight against the enemies of God, he had to go back and forth with the wayward children of Israel. They ask him this question in vs. 7, "Is the Lord among us or not?" I have asked the same question in my life. Where is God? When is He going to come through? How much longer do I have to wait? And then suddenly, out of nowhere, He not only shows up, He shows OUT! I encourage you to read the entire story in your quiet time, but for now I want to share the MOST important part of the story with you. God told Moses to write the victory down so his apprentice Joshua would not only hear about the good news, but remember it. Moses then builds an alter and calls it Jehovah Nissi for the victory which God had caused His chosen people to win against the Amalekites.

I love how God instructed Moses to leave a remembrance for young Joshua who would eventually lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land. We all have testimonies about how has God brought us out, over the test and through the trial. Somehow, it casually slips our minds how He's made ways out of no way, and yet all too often after the parting of the Red Sea in our lives we do the unthinkable; we seem to forget what He has done. Hmmmmmmmm!!! God wanted a continual reminder for these disobedient, wayward, mumbling/grumbling people to serve as a reference for how He had performed something HUGE so they would not forget. Some commentary writers compare the Amalekites in the story to satan. He is SUCH a defeated foe and NOT a threat, but he still comes back time and time again to discourage us, derail our faith and deceive us, and amazingly, we LET him!

With Jehovah Nissi, there is never a need to wave ANY flags of surrender, because we have already won. His covering over us signals to the devil that playtime is OVER!!! We are sons and daughters of the Most High God and it's time for him to back up!!! Each of us have numerous reminders of how he has provided time and time again. We know beyond a shadow of doubt how we got into something and it is ONLY by the grace of God, that we made it out. We don't care what they say at the job, we know it's only the goodness of God that has kept us employed while CNN keeps perpetual reminders that the nation is in a recession; but there is NO lack in the kingdom. The ONLY reminder I need is Jehovah Nissi, my banner, my protection, my shield, my covering, and my strong tower. Just like God wanted Joshua to have a reminder, He wants us to have one too! If He was a Banner back then, He is STILL a Banner today, tomorrow, and forevermore.

Exodus 17
2 Chronicles 20:15
Psalm 91
Zephaniah 3:17

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I pray that as you read "Th Onyx Chronicles", you will be blessed richly as you love Him more deeply, and become more rooted in His truths. God Bless You!