Friday, September 11, 2009

"Fly As I Want To Be" Part 3

I hope everyone has enjoyed their time off from work and pray you have a wonderful week all the way through. A lot of information has been shared about believers’ attire and it's time to complete the look if you will :).

"Shoes equipped with the good news of peace"

As a woman I know first-hand there is nothing like having the right pair of shoes to complete a particular outfit. My friends, the search is over! Unlike any other pair of shoes, you've ever owned, this pair goes with everything. Jesus told his disciples that He would leave them peace not as the world gives, and to not be afraid. This is the peace that surpasses human understanding. The world may be perishing, but our peace will remain attached to Christ the solid rock. Hell is breaking loose, my friends whose report will you believe? He will do His part and keep us in perfect peace but our minds have to remain stayed on Him. Just like we walk in the authority of Christ, we can walk in peace.

Shalom is the Hebrew word for peace. It conveys the idea of completeness and well-being, of being a perfect whole. The word denotes an absence of discomfort, whether physical ailments or strife, internal or external. It is used as a greeting, a word of assurance, and as a blessing. We can wear these shoes of completeness that make us whole so we can tell others about the Good News which is Jesus Christ. We were once blind, but now we see! We were on our way to hell, but His precious blood saved us and made us WHOLE again. I don't think there is a biblical character that can compare their life against Paul's life. Peace was not something that came naturally to him after all he was once Saul of Tarsus whose fulltime job was to persecute the church and kill Christians. But God chose Paul to be a kingdom ambassador and was he ever! This same person was able eloquently pen more than half of the New Testament. Paul knew better than anyone about the redeeming, restorative love of Christ, which is why he could be so passionate to the early churches in his letters to them. He knew that ONLY the peace of God could prepare him, equip him and more importantly KEEP him preaching the good news.

"Sword of the Spirit"

I can not say enough about the Word of God and the importance of it. It is my personal belief that many believers like what I call "Mary Poppins Gospel", they want the Word to be sweet, and fun, so it's real easy for them to digest and take in. But the Word of God is living, powerful and sharper than ANY two-edge cutting between soul and spirit; joints and marrow. If the Word does all that to us (believers, God's children), what do you think it will do in spiritual warfare? The devil will have to GET BACK!!! That is why I can NOT emphasize the importance of knowing the Word.

Many people attend church Sunday after Sunday, year after year, and they NEVER grow. It's sad to say, but the truth hurts! They have no more idea of who God is today, than whom He was in the Bible day. If the Pastor does not preach on a particular topic, they have no idea that story is even in the Bible. Our spiritual destiny is not, I repeat NOT in the hands of the Pastor!!! The Bible is available to each and every one of us. I encourage you to read your Bible daily so you can become rooted and grounded in the Word of God. It is your Sword and if you are in the battle without the weapon to fight back what are you going to do? All the weaponry listed works together. Paul says put on the WHOLE armor, not pick and choose which one works with you today. He calls it the armor of God so you can stand and keep standing! All the pieces listed: the helmet, breastplate, and shoes all protect, but with a sword in hand means you mean serious business; which is exactly how we should take God AND His Word.

John 14:27
Philippians 4:7
Isaiah 26:3
Hebrews 4:12
Ephesians 6:10-18