Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Fly As I Want to Be" Part 2

This morning I did NOT want to get out of bed. I was so delirious from all the events that transpired yesterday, but as the say in Hollywood, the show MUST go on! We finished yesterday with the "Breastplate of Righteousness", so let's finished getting dressed because there is a war going on!

"Helmet of Salvation"

The Bible says in everything to give thanks, and if I'm really honest, sometimes that seems IMPOSSIBLE! It's so easy to look around and wonder why we're supposed to be thankful when nothing is the way we think it should be. Our thoughts about the coulda, woulda, shoulda drive us insane! As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. What are you thinking about? How much truth do you take in (reading, studying, and meditating on the Word of God)? Do you have pure thoughts or are they impure? I like how Paul finishes vs 18-he says, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy-think on these things. Did Paul know we would be fighting a war on terrorism and economics at the same time? Did he know peoples jobs, homes, and faith would crash and burn under the weight of daily life? Probably not! But when we have the helmet of salvation TIGHTLY fitted on our heads, we can say in the face of adversity, as Nehemiah, they joy of the Lord IS my strength. If we're going to be properly fitted for battle, we need to be strong. As I mentioned yesterday, these are unseen enemies, but real no doubt! Do NOT sleep on the devil and his legion of imps because they are not sleeping on you. The helmet of salvation will protect your mind. Your mind is the control center for your body, which in turn will feed your spirit person. Do you want a strong spirit man, or a weak spirit man? What have you been feeding him or her? I want us to be strong so we can stand side by side in battle and know we are not only winners, but more than conquerors.

The Shield of Faith

What kind of faith do you have? I want to believe that I have faith that will move mountains and shut the mouth of lions,but in reality there are times when I can barely go on. I have found, when I am at my weakest moments in the natural, I have my greatest victories in the spirit realm. Paul said the shield of faith will quench the fiery darts of the wicked one! Can you imagine darts, not just one, but millions coming at you? Now add some fire to the end of those same million darts. The devil is trying to take us out of here!!! He HATES us!!! But we have a weapon that he can't have; our faith. Peter says our faith is more precious and valuable than gold because gold will perish, but not our faith which is being tested. The faith you and I posses will QUENCH those fiery darts, and protect us from the devil's plot of harm and danger. The enemy is hungry, but we need to be hungry for the word of God which will increase our faith. Building up our faith is very important in this life because for every trial, there is a triumph; for every mistake,a miracle is about to happen; and for every setback, it was only a set-up to your victory.

You are a soldier in the Lord's army and the battle has already been won! We have our headgear (Helmet of Salvation), garments (Breastplate of Righteousness)& (Shield of Faith), and a very important accessory (The Belt of Truth). We're almost completely covered, we still have the Sword of the Spirit, Shoes of Peace, and last but certainly not least to continue praying in the Spirit. Until next time-gird up and watch out!

Nehemiah 8:9
Philippians 4:8
Ephesians 6:10-18
1 Thessalonians 5:18
1 Peter 1:7