Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cover Me

I learned a very simple song in my VBS days, and the lyrics go something like this, "I'm my Beloved and He is mine. His banner over me is love. (Repeat 2X) His banner over me is love." I remember singing my little heart out and had no clue about what a banner was or any other love outside of my very protective and nurturing family. I'm sure I had some silly grin plastered over my face as the music leader strummed the guitar and we sang along like good children did back then. Used as a sign of victory over defeat, banners can also represent a covering and protection, a shield of some sort. The Word says, “He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will quiet you with His love."

Jehovah Nissi~The Lord is my Banner

Are you waving the flag of victory? Or the doo-rag of defeat? Have you thrown in the towel? Or, are you standing boldly on the Word of God declaring the battle belongs to Him and you begin to praise your way out? With Jehovah Nissi, we are VICTORIOUS! We are OVERCOMERS! We are WINNERS! We can find rest in His shadow while being covered with His feathers and find refuge in His wings. There is nothing like taking shelter in His arms. NOTHING!

Moses had a very long day fighting against the Amalekites. But before Moses could fight against the enemies of God, he had to go back and forth with the wayward children of Israel. They ask him this question in vs. 7, "Is the Lord among us or not?" I have asked the same question in my life. Where is God? When is He going to come through? How much longer do I have to wait? And then suddenly, out of nowhere, He not only shows up, He shows OUT! I encourage you to read the entire story in your quiet time, but for now I want to share the MOST important part of the story with you. God told Moses to write the victory down so his apprentice Joshua would not only hear about the good news, but remember it. Moses then builds an alter and calls it Jehovah Nissi for the victory which God had caused His chosen people to win against the Amalekites.

I love how God instructed Moses to leave a remembrance for young Joshua who would eventually lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land. We all have testimonies about how has God brought us out, over the test and through the trial. Somehow, it casually slips our minds how He's made ways out of no way, and yet all too often after the parting of the Red Sea in our lives we do the unthinkable; we seem to forget what He has done. Hmmmmmmmm!!! God wanted a continual reminder for these disobedient, wayward, mumbling/grumbling people to serve as a reference for how He had performed something HUGE so they would not forget. Some commentary writers compare the Amalekites in the story to satan. He is SUCH a defeated foe and NOT a threat, but he still comes back time and time again to discourage us, derail our faith and deceive us, and amazingly, we LET him!

With Jehovah Nissi, there is never a need to wave ANY flags of surrender, because we have already won. His covering over us signals to the devil that playtime is OVER!!! We are sons and daughters of the Most High God and it's time for him to back up!!! Each of us have numerous reminders of how he has provided time and time again. We know beyond a shadow of doubt how we got into something and it is ONLY by the grace of God, that we made it out. We don't care what they say at the job, we know it's only the goodness of God that has kept us employed while CNN keeps perpetual reminders that the nation is in a recession; but there is NO lack in the kingdom. The ONLY reminder I need is Jehovah Nissi, my banner, my protection, my shield, my covering, and my strong tower. Just like God wanted Joshua to have a reminder, He wants us to have one too! If He was a Banner back then, He is STILL a Banner today, tomorrow, and forevermore.

Exodus 17
2 Chronicles 20:15
Psalm 91
Zephaniah 3:17

I Wanna Be!

I love the song "I Wanna Be" by J Moss with PJAM. He is singing his soul out about all he wants to be for God's use and glory. I love the part where he sings, "I want to be inseparable I wanna be all you want me to be." Isn't that what it's all about? At the end of the day after I've gotten it wrong on so many different accounts and messed up another opportunity, I still desire to be all He wants me to be. I want to the the righteousness of Christ! I want to go where He wants me to go! I want to do what He wants me to do! You should know, by the time J is singing the part, “I’ll do it! I'll do it! Just send me Lord I'll go!" I'm like HECK YEAH that's me! The truth is at times it seems almost impossible to live a life fully committed to God AND live in this sin-filled world. Every day, temptations present themselves in our lives, but Paul instructs us to present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable which is our reasonable service unto God.

The Bible says be holy as I am holy. OUCH!!! Real truth for our unholy lives. Merriam defines holy as exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness. The Greek word for holy is "hagios" which means sacredness, being consecrated to God, or worthy of God, free from impurity.

Elohim Kadoshim~ The Holy God

God wants us to be just like Him! We are his workmanship, created in His image, joint heirs to an everlasting Kingdom! We are sanctified by the lamb of the blood because God who is Holy and wants us to be Holy like Him, HATES sin! Sin~ a very small word, but yet such an enormous problem in all of our lives. It's easy to label what we consider sin to be: murder, sexual sins, lust, envy, and on and on. NEWSFLASH! ALL sin is unrighteousness in His eyes! That's the wonderful news about sanctification-the cleansing process that restores us and makes us righteous in His eyes. I pray people will begin to realize that they can't do ANYTHING to earn salvation; it really is God's gift to us (grace) through Jesus. Once we can accept the fact that He has paid an enormous price on Calvary for the sins of the world, it's easier to begin to emulate our Heavenly Father. I know we mess up, but we can always praise God for being Jehovah Mekaddishem the Lord who Sanctifies and chose us to be His very own chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people. Every day we can worship Him for being Jehovah Tsidkenu The Lord our Righteousness who makes us righteous through faith in Jesus Christ. Take time to bless Him for being El Bereeth, The God of Covenant who is longsuffering and wants none of us to perish. The price of our salvation has already been bought through the blood of the Lamb! Hallelujah!!!

It's 1:42 in the morning here, and as I close out this blog and prepare for bed, I still desire to be just like Him so I can be used by Him. In Psalm 24, David asked the question, "Who can go up to the house of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place?" The answer is in verse 4, and all I can say is everyday I'm trying because more than anything I really do want to be just like Him.

Genesis 1:27
Psalm 24:3
Jeremiah 33:16
Romans 5:21
Romans 8:17
Romans 12:1
1 Corinthians 1:30
1 Peter 1:16
2 Peter 3:9
1 John 5:17

Monday, September 28, 2009

What's In A Name?

My mother chose to name me after herself, and for YEARS I hated the being named after her. I know from first-hand experience the trauma of being a namesake. There's ALWAYS the unspoken rule that that you are like the other person and in some way expected to fit their shoes. Not so! Early in life I strived to carve out my own identity that was nothing remotely like my mother. People who know me from childhood called me “Little Lillian” and my mother “Big Lillian” to differentiate which one of us they were speaking to. As the years have passed and made us similar in more ways than one, she goes by the affectionate “Ms.Lill” and “Lily" or "Lilyen" for me. When I think about a person’s name, I always think, “They look a so and so. Their name FITS them perfectly. I always wanted to be named Michelle because it seemed SO much better than what was on my birth certificate. To me Lillian was an old name; after all it was my mother’s name. Over the years the name has become classy, timeless, and elegant to me-everything my mother is. I'm always excited when I meet someone else with my name and the first think I usually say is, "That's my mother's name!" I suspect 33 years ago she knew something about names that and wanted to pass the mantle onto her precious baby girl.

While I am excited about the name my mother gave me, I am even MORE excited about the names of God. Just think about what the ENTIRE universe will one day have to do at the name of Jesus! These magnificent names display His supremacy, power, and love for each of us. When we know the names of God and the characteristics, we can put all of our hope and trust in Him. I will be doing a series of blogs on the Names of God. Many of us are more familiar with the more common names such as Jehovah Jireh God our Provider, or Jehovah Nissi The Lord our Banner. What about Jehovah Chereb The Lord the Sword? Has God not proven Himself to be faithful and just to all of us? We each have a testimony of how He has proven Himself over and over as El Emmunah "The Faithful God". I encourage you take time to meditate and reflect on His names and treasure them close to your heart; ALWAYS! If you don't know, I pray you find Him to be everything you need! Psalm 9:10 says, And those who know Your name will put their trust in You, For You, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.

El Hannun- The Gracious God

Grace as we know it is God's unmerited favor. Think about it, in all of our waywardness-we actually deserve nothing. But because of his great love for us, God, who is RICH in mercy made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. What if God were one of us? Would you be so kind? Compassionate? Forgiving? Loving? Merciful? Gracious? What if God was just like you? Or me? YIKES!!! I am SO glad He is not! Paul had something that troubled him so bad, he went to the Lord three times and the Lord told Him, "My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." Now Paul wrote this letter to the church at Corinth YEARS ago, but notice God did not say my grace WAS sufficient. He said it IS sufficient. That means right now! Whatever were going through, going into, or coming out of~ the grace of God is more than enough to see us through. His grace keeps us humble and pliable so He can work in us as He does the perfect job of working His goodness on our behalf.

One of my all-time favorite hymns is "Tis So Sweet". In the chorus the writer penned the lyrics Oh for grace to trust you more. At times when life’s billows threaten to drown me, I find myself humming those words over and over to calm my distressed spirit. I don't know about you, but I need the grace of God to trust Him in all aspects of my life. The grace of God will give us strength to go through the storms of life with our heads held high because our trust and faith is built on Christ the solid rock. God has proven himself to be not only gracious, but rich in mercy EVEN when we don't deserve it. He can't help it! It's part of who He is! Isaiah 30:18 says the Lord LONGS to be gracious to you...and He will be exalted that He may have mercy on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are those that wait for Him. I strongly believe that God wants to lavish each and every one of His with his goodness, mercy, love, justice, blessings, righteousness, and the list keeps going and going.

He has shown Himself as a gracious God and by being kind, merciful, not becoming angry too quickly, having great love and faithfulness, and forgiving our sins. Praise God that as His child you can go BOLDY to the throne of grace and get mercy when you need it. He is a gracious God and wants to be gracious to you.

Exodus 34:6-7
Psalm 9:10
Ephesians 2:4
Hebrews 4:6
2 Corinthians 12:9
Philippians 2:10

Friday, September 11, 2009

"Fly As I Want To Be" Part 3

I hope everyone has enjoyed their time off from work and pray you have a wonderful week all the way through. A lot of information has been shared about believers’ attire and it's time to complete the look if you will :).

"Shoes equipped with the good news of peace"

As a woman I know first-hand there is nothing like having the right pair of shoes to complete a particular outfit. My friends, the search is over! Unlike any other pair of shoes, you've ever owned, this pair goes with everything. Jesus told his disciples that He would leave them peace not as the world gives, and to not be afraid. This is the peace that surpasses human understanding. The world may be perishing, but our peace will remain attached to Christ the solid rock. Hell is breaking loose, my friends whose report will you believe? He will do His part and keep us in perfect peace but our minds have to remain stayed on Him. Just like we walk in the authority of Christ, we can walk in peace.

Shalom is the Hebrew word for peace. It conveys the idea of completeness and well-being, of being a perfect whole. The word denotes an absence of discomfort, whether physical ailments or strife, internal or external. It is used as a greeting, a word of assurance, and as a blessing. We can wear these shoes of completeness that make us whole so we can tell others about the Good News which is Jesus Christ. We were once blind, but now we see! We were on our way to hell, but His precious blood saved us and made us WHOLE again. I don't think there is a biblical character that can compare their life against Paul's life. Peace was not something that came naturally to him after all he was once Saul of Tarsus whose fulltime job was to persecute the church and kill Christians. But God chose Paul to be a kingdom ambassador and was he ever! This same person was able eloquently pen more than half of the New Testament. Paul knew better than anyone about the redeeming, restorative love of Christ, which is why he could be so passionate to the early churches in his letters to them. He knew that ONLY the peace of God could prepare him, equip him and more importantly KEEP him preaching the good news.

"Sword of the Spirit"

I can not say enough about the Word of God and the importance of it. It is my personal belief that many believers like what I call "Mary Poppins Gospel", they want the Word to be sweet, and fun, so it's real easy for them to digest and take in. But the Word of God is living, powerful and sharper than ANY two-edge cutting between soul and spirit; joints and marrow. If the Word does all that to us (believers, God's children), what do you think it will do in spiritual warfare? The devil will have to GET BACK!!! That is why I can NOT emphasize the importance of knowing the Word.

Many people attend church Sunday after Sunday, year after year, and they NEVER grow. It's sad to say, but the truth hurts! They have no more idea of who God is today, than whom He was in the Bible day. If the Pastor does not preach on a particular topic, they have no idea that story is even in the Bible. Our spiritual destiny is not, I repeat NOT in the hands of the Pastor!!! The Bible is available to each and every one of us. I encourage you to read your Bible daily so you can become rooted and grounded in the Word of God. It is your Sword and if you are in the battle without the weapon to fight back what are you going to do? All the weaponry listed works together. Paul says put on the WHOLE armor, not pick and choose which one works with you today. He calls it the armor of God so you can stand and keep standing! All the pieces listed: the helmet, breastplate, and shoes all protect, but with a sword in hand means you mean serious business; which is exactly how we should take God AND His Word.

John 14:27
Philippians 4:7
Isaiah 26:3
Hebrews 4:12
Ephesians 6:10-18

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Fly As I Want to Be" Part 2

This morning I did NOT want to get out of bed. I was so delirious from all the events that transpired yesterday, but as the say in Hollywood, the show MUST go on! We finished yesterday with the "Breastplate of Righteousness", so let's finished getting dressed because there is a war going on!

"Helmet of Salvation"

The Bible says in everything to give thanks, and if I'm really honest, sometimes that seems IMPOSSIBLE! It's so easy to look around and wonder why we're supposed to be thankful when nothing is the way we think it should be. Our thoughts about the coulda, woulda, shoulda drive us insane! As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. What are you thinking about? How much truth do you take in (reading, studying, and meditating on the Word of God)? Do you have pure thoughts or are they impure? I like how Paul finishes vs 18-he says, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy-think on these things. Did Paul know we would be fighting a war on terrorism and economics at the same time? Did he know peoples jobs, homes, and faith would crash and burn under the weight of daily life? Probably not! But when we have the helmet of salvation TIGHTLY fitted on our heads, we can say in the face of adversity, as Nehemiah, they joy of the Lord IS my strength. If we're going to be properly fitted for battle, we need to be strong. As I mentioned yesterday, these are unseen enemies, but real no doubt! Do NOT sleep on the devil and his legion of imps because they are not sleeping on you. The helmet of salvation will protect your mind. Your mind is the control center for your body, which in turn will feed your spirit person. Do you want a strong spirit man, or a weak spirit man? What have you been feeding him or her? I want us to be strong so we can stand side by side in battle and know we are not only winners, but more than conquerors.

The Shield of Faith

What kind of faith do you have? I want to believe that I have faith that will move mountains and shut the mouth of lions,but in reality there are times when I can barely go on. I have found, when I am at my weakest moments in the natural, I have my greatest victories in the spirit realm. Paul said the shield of faith will quench the fiery darts of the wicked one! Can you imagine darts, not just one, but millions coming at you? Now add some fire to the end of those same million darts. The devil is trying to take us out of here!!! He HATES us!!! But we have a weapon that he can't have; our faith. Peter says our faith is more precious and valuable than gold because gold will perish, but not our faith which is being tested. The faith you and I posses will QUENCH those fiery darts, and protect us from the devil's plot of harm and danger. The enemy is hungry, but we need to be hungry for the word of God which will increase our faith. Building up our faith is very important in this life because for every trial, there is a triumph; for every mistake,a miracle is about to happen; and for every setback, it was only a set-up to your victory.

You are a soldier in the Lord's army and the battle has already been won! We have our headgear (Helmet of Salvation), garments (Breastplate of Righteousness)& (Shield of Faith), and a very important accessory (The Belt of Truth). We're almost completely covered, we still have the Sword of the Spirit, Shoes of Peace, and last but certainly not least to continue praying in the Spirit. Until next time-gird up and watch out!

Nehemiah 8:9
Philippians 4:8
Ephesians 6:10-18
1 Thessalonians 5:18
1 Peter 1:7

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

" Fly as I Want to Be" Part 1

Let me start by saying if I could, I would marry the apostle Paul. I would! I absolutely LOVE him! Now that I have gotten my spiritual crush out of the way, it's time to break bread. I know you're like me and like to look good. Most of us probably have our own style and way of jazzing up our outfits with a signature look. While I'm a huge fan of style and originality, we should all be dressed alike in this particular area: Spiritual Warfare. We should all be properly armed and ready for battle at all times because Peter has warned us we have an adversary (the devil)and he is on the prowl like a roaring lion and wants to eat us alive. We as believers need to be prepared at ALL times and ready for battle! Don't be skurred-Be PREPARED!

In Ephesians 6:10-18, my man Paul tells us what we should be wearing so we can stand against the schemes, plots, and tricks of the evil one. The first thing Paul says we need is to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. He then tells us who we're fighting against (vs 12) [principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, and a spiritual host if wickedness in the heavenly places]. He says something that's EXTREMELY important, he says to take up the WHOLE armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day (vs. 13).

Belt of Truth

Belts are usually the last thing we put on as we're getting dressed or maybe even your shoes, but Paul list this first. He calls it the "Belt of Truth". What is truth? Jesus said, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32). What holds more truth than God and His Word? But many refuse to believe. It's a sad society we live in when Bible believers and Christ followers compromise His Word for what society has said is acceptable. My Bible tells me, and I believe it- that friendship with the world is enmity with God (James 4:4).

I am not Paul, but I wonder if he listed the belt first because the church at Ephesus dealt with the same situations and hypocrisies that we deal with in the present day. Paul wanted us to know the truth and to stand on it! God's Word is true and if anybody comes at you with anything OTHER than the Word, stand confident and boldly like our Master teacher when He told the devil it is WRITTEN! Know the Word, so you can stand on the Word! It is full of truths you need for every situation in life, but the main truth is that Jesus loves you! He died for you and He wants you to be with Him in eternity. It doesn't get any truer than that.

Breastplate of Righteousness

I believe Paul listed this as the second piece of attire, because he knew the enemy is very deceptive and plays with our emotions. The Bible says the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). WOW! The righteousness of God is the ONLY thing that can protect this vital organ which is essentially weak. This piece will cover your heart which can become bitter and hardened as long as we keep living. The truth is, people hurt us; they treat us like dirt, and never look back and see what kind of pain and damage they have done to us. More importantly, they don't apologize for the wrong they have inflicted on us, and NEVER acknowledge their part in our pain. Pump the brakes! STOP giving PEOPLE that much power and control over your life!!! Would it really matter if they did apologize? I don't think it would. Most of us need that grudge year after year to hold onto. What if that grudge you've been clinging to is the ONLY thing between you and your breakthrough? Hmmm...

We need soft hearts or as the Word says a "heart of flesh". We can NOT do kingdom business with a hardened and bitter heart. I hear you saying, "It hurts so badly!" Trust me I know!!! But it hurts God's heart even MORE that you refuse to let Him do His job of working on your behalf and making your latter greater than your past and not giving Him the opportunity to use EVERYTHING you've been through and working it together for your good. He can, and more importantly-He will! But in His time.

Righteousness means to be in right standing, and He said in His Word that only those with clean hands and a pure heart can ascend up to the hill of the Lord (Psalm 24:4). And I KNOW that's where we want to go, so.....allow the breastplate to cover that area that can be exposed to the foolishness of this world. Please believe that God's Word is greater and mightier than ANYTHING we will ever face in this world and can cover us like nothing ever will. Until next time, gird up so you can stay as fly as you want to be! God Bless ;)

"I Can Hardly Believe It!"

I still can't believe it! I mean....I REALLY don't believe it! I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting in the second to the last row at church semi- paying attention and when the Pastor said, "Little Lillian do you sing?" I was taken by COMPLETE SURPRISE... Do I sing? Uh...NO!!! But between vigorously shaking my head and my mother nudging me forward and me giving her a strong side eye, I was called to the pulpit. I remember saying, " I guess I can't refuse in God's House" while walking up to the front of the church wishing the ground would open up and swallow me whole;but help never came.

I began sharing my testimony and finished it with a shaky version of "Encourage Yourself" by Donald Lawrence because that was the basis of my testimony. In spite of everything that had happened to me over the past two years, I HAD to learn to encourage myself. I had searched and found no friend like Jesus. I was TOO pumped over the Kingdom and excited about what He had done for me. It was the strangest thing, while I was talking to the congregation, the Spirit whispered to me "Turn around and ask if you can bring the Word." Me? The self-proclaimed professional cussa? Bring the Word??? Naw!!!

You know how you missed a golden opportunity, that you hope hasn't TOTALLY passed you by? It was just like that! I remember walking back to my seat thinking I REALLY messed up this time. But what an awesome God I serve! I got back to my seat and the Pastor said, " If I would've known you had such a powerful Word, I would've let you preach. Next time you're in town we'll let you preach." I moved home three months later and was too excited for my opportunity to deliver my first sermon. The minute the Pastor said he wanted me to speak, I already knew who, and what I would talk about. I remember wanting to ONLY speak for 20-30 minutes, but I was preaching for 53minutes. My first sermon was about my favorite spiritual heroine; Hannah. I just love her! Her life is my life! Her testimony became my testimony! I know everything about her life because at one point I just KNEW God would bless me like He blessed her with a child. I was excited, nervous, geeked, anxious, and any other range of emotions one could feel about to deliver God's Word. That is an AWESOME privilege.

The day came with such nervousness, I thought I might "fake" sickness to get out of it. I had prepared my sermon "Hannah: A Portrait of Faith" and invited my family and best friends from high school to embark on what would change my life forever. I became empowered! I became enlightend! I became hungry for more of God's Word and wanted more of Him like never before. Imediately people began speculating that I should go into ministry.Me?!?!?!...NEGATIVE!!!! Asking me had I thought about it...HECK NO!!!! I remember telling God that if this was something He wanted me to do that He would make it possible for me to preach again in exactly one year, and He did. Of course I chunked it up as a coincidence, and not the possiblitiy of His being in TOTAL control of the universe as well as my lame life. LOL

I left everything I knew to be familiar in my beloved Houston to become a nurse, NOT a minister. But isn't it just like God to show us His ways are NOT our ways. His thoughts are NOT our thoughts. His plan is NOT our plan. CLEARLY! Six months ago, my Pastor took me and three other people to visit the campus of San Francisco Theological Seminary, and for the past six months, it has been a constant naw on my mind about being in ministry. I'm scared! God says, I have NOT given you the Spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a strong mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I don't know if I can learn Hebrew and Greek. God says, You can do ANYTHING! You are MY child (Philippians 4:13). I'm nervous-He says When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overtake you; when thou walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee (Isaiah 43:2). WOW God! Next Sunday will be my sixth sermon since March 2008, and I'm still in awe of how it how began. Jonah ran from God, and STILL God accomplished His purpose and plan. I do NOT want to run from God or the things He has revealed to me, but in my fraility and humanness, I can NOT believe it. The same way He is using me, He can and will use you. Do NOT allow your mindset to keep you back from the awesome plan God has for you and your life. And while I never doubted I could preach, I NEVER would've put myself in a position to be used in this way. But now after months of my one-sided argument with myself, I am exicted about the call on my life and only want to walk worthy of the call that Paul speaks about in Ephesians 4: 1-7. God Bless!