Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'll Go

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

As I begin the process of applying to seminary, the essays and short answer questions have caused great reflection on my past,present,and my future. I'm the first to admit attending seminary excites, overwhelms, and even scares me at the same time. The funny thing is, I like to think of myself as never being SCARED! If you didn't know, Kingdom Business is extremely serious to me! It brings me deep sadness that those given the position of shepherding God's people blatantly "play church", the ones who commit adultery, fornicate, steal from the church, manipulate those not strong in the faith, the list goes on and on. It totally amazes and NOT in a good way, but more in a "Am I the only one scared of God" way. Now before you say I'm judging-I am not. As God's children, His Word, the Bible is our road map filled with instructions on how to live for Christ. If you don't believe me, then pick it up and dispute the Word of God.

Is it just me? But do you sometimes feel like you dropped the ball on something major and let the big one get away? I actually should've applied to seminary in last fall after visiting a local seminary here this past March. The good news is that God always presents us with another opportunity to get on board and become a part of the plans He has for each of us. As reluctant as we are from time to time, He gently pushes us beyond our limited vision and stretches our expectations to believe there is nothing better than partnering with God for awesome possibilities, breath-taking moments, and a lifetime of innumerable praise for saying yes to His will and way.

I imagine the prophet Isaiah jumping up and down, all too excited to tell the Lord, "Here I am, Send me". As much as we want to do what God requires of us, why is so hard to sometimes to simply say yes to the Lord. He has told us He know the plans He has for us-plans of good and not evil; to give us a future and a hope. This is one of my favorite promises in the Bible and I am quick to quote God's Word back to Him because I believe it whole-heartedly. If I believe it, then I have to act on it to right? As the time between then and now has gotten closer and everyday it becomes more and more real, I too like Isaiah am saying, "Lord send me, I'll go". I wanted to share with you, I have completed one application for seminary,and have one more to go. I've also been taken under the care of the Session at my church and plan to seek an ordination track through my local presbytery. I am STILL shocked by it all!!! Believe me, I am supposed to in nursing school; BUT God...Thank You for allowing me to share my "take" on the Word by subscribing to "The Onyx Stone Chronicles".

Isaiah 6:8
Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

I pray that as you read "Th Onyx Chronicles", you will be blessed richly as you love Him more deeply, and become more rooted in His truths. God Bless You!