Thursday, December 24, 2009

What Child is This?

I don't remember when people began removing the "Christ" out of Christmas, or when His birthday became so offensive, that people started to say "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greeting" instead of Merry Christmas; but it really bothers me. The fact that many Christians seem to go along with it is what disturbs me the most. We live in a society where any and everything goes. From same sex marriages being acceptable to mother's trafficking their innocent children, the list of sin-sickness keeps growing and growing.

The other day I was in a store and another patron had her dog in her arms. As a disclaimer let me just say, not only do I not like dogs, I am petrified of them. The situation terrifiee and annoyed me, so I asked the cashier if it was store policy that people are allowed to bring non-guide dogs into the store. The cashier,a teenager clueless about work ethic and company policy shrugged her shoulders, smiled and claimed she didn't know. As quickly as my mouth opened to say something I closed it before I said something I might regret. I walked out the store and returned to the car where my parents were waiting on me to tell them what happened in the store. My mother who did an amazing job raising my brother and me, sometimes does NOT act like the woman who raised me, tells me there is a "new world order" where anything goes. Hmph! Really!?!? I'm quite confident the prophet Isaiah couldn't have been talking about this kingdom that would never end. Or maybe this is the "reprobate mind" age where people are evil, lustful,and lovers of themselves. Either way,the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, with no room to lay His head came into the world not to condemn the world, but to save it. Yet people foolishly reject His plan to save, restore, heal, and deliver, and snuff him on His "birthday".

The beautiful baby born on this day is not only the reason for the season, He is the reason from now and forevermore. He is the gift that keeps on giving-abundant life more abundantly, forgiveness of sins, the Lamb slain to take away the sins of the world. What child is this? I'm talking about Mary's baby! Our Savior, friend, and reason to keep pushing (Praying Until Something Happens), we exist by His grace and mercy. In the words of Paul, thanks be to God for this indescribable gift.

I worship and praise the child born on this day, and so there is NO mistake about who I'm talking about, His name is Jesus! From my heart to yours~Merry CHRISTMAS! Remember, His is always the reason, because while seasons may come and go, the Word of God stands forever. Be Blessed!

Isaiah 9:7
Isaiah 40:8
John 3:17
Romans 1:28-32

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I pray that as you read "Th Onyx Chronicles", you will be blessed richly as you love Him more deeply, and become more rooted in His truths. God Bless You!