Tuesday, December 8, 2009

All Other Ground is Sinking Sand

First let me say, I apologize for not blogging like I should. I really have no excuse, so as one of my readers, please forgive me for not being diligent to something that I would like to remain committed to. Excuses build bridge to nowhere so I won't offer any, I just ask that you accept my humble apology as I pledge to do better. Friend, I am serious about sharing what I read and gain from the Word of God with you, so I must be committed to my blog, and sharing what the Spirit of God puts on my heart. I will make it my duty to at least post one to two devotions weekly from now on. After all, I read my Bible everyday, and the Word of God always has something fresh,and new to teach us. With each chapter I re-read, and as I journey deeper into my longing and true desire to go deeper in the Word, I find myself with fresh revelation, that I will will share.

I have something I want to post so badly, that if I don't I am going to be very disappointed in myself. Let me begin my story...I absolutely LOVE LifeWay Christian bookstores. If there is one in your area, I encourage you to visit and find books, Bibles, cds, or pamphlets that will strengthen and build you up in your Christian walk. As much as I love LifeWay, there is not one in San Francisco; the closest one is in Mill Valley on the campus of Golden Gate Seminary. Being they are located on a campus, they have really odd hours and getting there is a challenge, but in Houston; they are everywhere. I went to Houston in November for my Alma Mater's homecoming and Sorority chapter's 60th anniversary. This trip I HAD to go to LifeWay! I didn't care what homecoming festivity I missed; who I didn't see; what gathering I was missing from; I could've care less! Let me just say the reason it was so serious is because there is only one Christian Bookstore in San Fran. It's small, family owned, and they don't have a huge selection of "stock", so I'm not able to examine what I buy beforehand. But at LifeWay *SIGH* I get a warm and fuzzy feeling when I walk through the doors. The staff is always pleasant, they have an abundance of stock, and there is usually a soft instrumental gospel hymn playing and it's like a believer's Toys 'R Us.

I left my Sorors and friends at the tailgate party so I could go browse and buy. Of course, NOBODY believed that I was leaving HC activities to visit a bookstore, but like I said, I HAD to go! I was gone for three hours, no joke! One of my favorite items I bought was a ring in scripted with "One Day My Prince Will Come", a promise ring to keep on doing what I'm doing because He's coming back and I want to be ready when He returns. I purchased several other items, but running neck to neck with my ring was this book I almost overlooked by John MacArthur entitled "how to study the bible". Now I have been reading the Bible regularly since my teenage years, and I would say, I have read it from Genesis to Revelation at least six times. As I continue to grow and mature in my faith and walk with Christ,I really, really, really want to know, understand, and live by the Word of God. It's an easy read for the most part, divided into four parts with review questions at the end to make sure the reader really "get's it". I'm glad I purchased it, but today I was reading and MAN!!! John (like I know him) list seven applications about the Bible being a source of guidance in the life of a believer. I am so inspired by them, it's only right that I share them with you. But before I do...

I have loved the hymn "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less" for as long as I can remember. The lyrics touch me in my soul as I hum or sing "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand." I have found that to be the only truth in my life. When there was nobody else, when I had nothing else, when my back was up against the wall with nowhere to turn; Jesus was there steady as a rock comforting me, holding me, supporting me, and loving me. When I read these seven applications today on the bus during my commute, I was excited about the move of God that is underway. Friends be encouraged in your life, your situation, and in your faith. Everything that we need is in the Word of God. There is always a scripture to apply to whatever you may be facing in your life. The battle doesn't belong to us, but to God who is victorious and we have the victory because we are HIS children. I am listing the seven applications with the scripture that are included in the book. May these simple actions propel you in your faith and jump start a new hunger and thirst in your life for righteousness.

1. Believe It~John 6:67-68
2. Honor It~Job 23:12
3. Love It~Psalm 119:97
4. Obey It~1 John 2:5, Romans 6:16
5. Fight for It~Jude 3
6. Preach It~2 Timothy 4:2
7. Study It~2 Timothy 2:15

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I pray that as you read "Th Onyx Chronicles", you will be blessed richly as you love Him more deeply, and become more rooted in His truths. God Bless You!