Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bear Fruit

Mark 4:20

But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the Word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.

Jesus is taking time to teach His disciples and a large crowd this very important parable. It appears simple enough, fueled by action words that should prompt them to also be about the Fathers business as Jesus was;however,the disciples didn't appear to get what He was teaching them. Once the disciples were alone with Jesus, they confess that somehow they missed the lesson He was trying to teach, and needed the Master Teacher to break it down. Jesus then then tells them that good ground are those that hear, accept, and bear fruit even up to a hundredfold.

Hear the Word

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Hearing the Word can not only increase our faith, sensitizes us to the Spirit of God, but challenges each of us to live by His word. Paul told young Timothy to be ready in and out of season because there would come a time when people would wander from the truth and not want to hear sound doctrine but fables because it suited them and made them feel good. I think this pretty much sums up what is going on in not all, but a lot of churches around the world. I refer to as "Mary Poppins Gospel" where instead of preaching what thus said the Lord, preachers are preaching what increases the flow of the almighty dollar through the church because prosperity ministry is more appealing than presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice. A living sacrifice sounds painful, almost unappealing, but Paul said it is our reasonable service unto God. In His Word He tells us that His Word is sharper than any two-edged sword and it penetrates dividing soul and spirit; joints and marrow. While it sometimes uncomfortable to "hear the word", the pain it cost us now, will save our lives later.

Accept It

Many believers live in a gray area where the Word of God is concerned. There is a constant: "It was written so long ago. It's not relevant to what's happening in today's society." And don't even say something that doesn't line up with their theology, they will whack you across the head with the infamous "We shouldn't judge!" Nothing can straighten someone out quicker and better than what is written between the pages of Genesis and Revelation. It may take some of us a little bit longer to "get the message", but once there has been conviction, a contrite spirit and repentant heart, God work through us to complete His good work. What is written in Leviticus is just as applicable to today's current events. Jesus said before one jot or tittle from His Words fall, Heaven and earth would pass away first. That's how serious He took and accepted what the father said, even down to the smallest grammatical error (a jot or tittle), and so should we.

Bear It

Jesus came that we could have and live life even more abundantly. Instead of eternal death, He offers each of us eternal life. Once we accept His gracious gift and get plugged into the vine, we can begin to bear fruit. What does this mean? We can effectively witness, share our testimonies, while spreading the good news thus increasing the size of the Kingdom. I believe he broke it down in the increments of thirtyfold, sixty, and a hundredfold, because sometimes people will not want to hear the Gospel. Each of us are ambassadors for Christ and should try our best to remain ready to point someone to the Way. While they may not be ready now, that doesn't mean never; we should never give up because God didn't give up on us. Through our tenacity and prayers there will one day be a hundredfold harvest for the Kingdom.

Matthew 5:17-18
John 10:10
Romans 10:17
Romans 12:1
2 Timothy 4

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I pray that as you read "Th Onyx Chronicles", you will be blessed richly as you love Him more deeply, and become more rooted in His truths. God Bless You!