Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Psalm 119:9-11 How can a young person stay pure? By obeying Your Word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

Obedience seems easy enough, yet at times it is impossible to do. Jesus said, "If you love me you will obey what I command". King David who God calls a man after His own heart asks an important question that can be applied to the lives of the young and mature alike. Because of the world's sin problem, our carnal man is always eager to fulfill our sinful nature, but we can remain strong and do the right thing. David certainly wasn't perfect. Who can forget his adulterous relationship which produced a child? Or his orchestrating the death of the woman's husband but he is also remembered for dancing before the Lord with all his might, so much so that his clothes came off. He encourages us with an antidote that works when we apply it to our lives.


We can't remotely begin to draw close to God and live for Him if we don't read the blueprint for life known as the B-I-B-L-E. It is absolutely absurd to win in spiritual warfare, stand in our trials, let alone be obedient if we are clueless on what He has said in His Word. This is a relationship that will take time to build, and like Rome, it was not built in a day. We have to constantly stay in His presence so by "A-S-K-ing". Asking, seeking, and knocking can only be of benefit to us since those that ask receive, seekers find, and the door will be opened for them that knock.


The Word assures us that if we draw close to God He will draw close to us. But before that we have to submit to God. Temptation is everywhere, and the enemy seems to know just when to strike, where to attack and how to make us think he is defeating us. Take heart, things are not as they appear, never forget he had to get God's permission to attack Job, but in the end look how Job was blessed by staying close to God. David got it right when he instructed future generations to hide the Word of God in our hearts so we don't sin against him.


In the book "The Purpose Driven Life", author Rick Warren let people know not only does God have an awesome plan for our lives, He desires to be in communion with us. With life's distraction it seems insurmountable at times to feel victorious, but in those moments we need to remember the rich promise of having a Great High Priest who has been tempted just like us, but remained without sin. Those critical moments when are strength is weak, our faith is shaken to the core, because we have been obedient we can count on God to remain true to His Word.

Job 1:6-8
2 Samuel 6:14
Mark 7:7-11
John 14:15
Romans 6:12
Acts 13:22
James 4:7:8

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I pray that as you read "Th Onyx Chronicles", you will be blessed richly as you love Him more deeply, and become more rooted in His truths. God Bless You!