Thursday, October 8, 2009

Like Only He Can

At a very young age, I was sick in my body and almost died. I'm sure I only made it through because of the saints that were praying for me and encouraging my mother. At the time, my mother was a single mother and when the doctor stood flat-foot and told her that there was a possibility her child could die, I know beyond a shadow of doubt that she wanted to take my place. Any good parent would do the same thing, but she wasn't the one sick in her body; I was. My mother was told I had a virus and it had to work it's way through my nine year old body and run it's course. The threat of death was too close for comfort. For about four months, I was unable to leave the house, so you know I was sick! My favorite activity of running and playing hard until the street lights came on was a thing of the past as I laid helpless day after day on our plaid couch.

Many times the outcome appears to be hopeless. Just ask the woman with the issue of blood who had a twelve year menstrual cycle with no end in sight. She was the ultimate picture of brokenness, hopelessness, and despair, but one day she heard about Jesus. This was the day she decided to be bold and risk her last shred of hope and take a huge leap of faith. In one moment, she found more than enough faith to reach out and touch the hem of Jesus' garment, and immediately, she was healed of her affliction.

Jehovah Rophe~ The Lord Who Heals

The children of Israel had tried God's patience to no end! No matter how many times Moses spent in God's presence bringing back a Word to them, they ALWAYS failed to obey and heed ANY warning signs. One day God performed one of the many miracles for them by turning bitter waters sweet, the Lord told them if they would obey and do what was right, He would not bring upon them the diseases which the Egyptians has because He was the Lord who heals them. Now this is in right after the parting of the Red Sea, and we have much of the OT showing just how well they understood the importance of being obedient and fully committed to God. I must be a first cousin to the children of Israel because I can not count the number of times I have failed to obey; continued not to heed; and gone off to do my own thing which has sometimes resulted in a mental, spiritual, financial, or physical healing.

The prophet Jeremiah writes, heal me and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved. The healing powers are for every aspect of our lives. Physical infirmaties are visible, and a part of life, but what about the healing of our minds, and soul? The healing no one can see except Jehovah Rophe? I know I can't be the only person with impure thoughts from time to time? Does anybody else need a healing for their sin-sick souls? All of us are sinners and our Holy God loves us; but hates our sin! Sin, the little big thing that causes a break in our fellowship with our Heavenly Father. We need healing to restore us again to a right relationship with Him. Are you a grudge holder? Only Jehovah Rohpe can heal the hurt that has been done so we can go boldly into our bright future. He said in His Word, only those with clean hands and a pure heart can can ascend to the hill of the Lord.

Jehovah Rophe wants all of us to be well and whole: metally, spiritually, physically, even financially. John writes for us to be well in all things even as our soul prospers, which is THE most important thing. I pray His Shalom will overtake you and if there is anything holding you back from experiencing a whole relationship with our Lord & Savior, I pray you will allow Jehovah Rophe~ The Lord Who Heals to mend the relationship. He is waiting for you with arms wide open; just like my friend who bled for twelve long years and moved in faith to receive her healing~so should we so we may be complete, whole, and healthy in our lives. The healer is here and He is able! What do you need Him to heal?

Exodus 15
Jeremiah 17:14-17
Psalm 24:4
Mark 5: 25-34

3 John 1:2

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Peace Be Still

It seems almost impossible to have it in our lives. Everywhere we look there is the overwhelming sense of terror mingled with fright, and the unknown is a never-ending nightmare with a barrage of questions that causes everyone in its path to become even more anxious and panicky. There's a constant nagging and gnawing internally that is about to drive you insane! It's presence seems so distant, like a memory from long ago, that you begin to wonder if it was ever really yours in the first place. When did the separation occur? More importantly, would you ever be able to reunite and feel good again? Millions of people long for it, with every fiber of their being they begin to crave it. They search high and look low, but still, it cannot be found. Could it be they are actually looking in the wrong place? They know it exists, but many of us seem to have forgotten that it's so easy to have, is it even real? We find ways to weave it in our conversations, by casually dropping a line about it not being for sale; something we couldn't buy. Many people would never believe it's actually free. That's right! F-R-E-E~ FREE! The best money and purest gold could not buy it, but still those in mega-million dollar homes are without it. Are you still wondering what I'm talking about? I'm talking about peace. Peace of mind; peace of soul; peace period!

We've all been at the end of our rope and felt like we would lose our minds. Or is it just me? But just when you felt your last thread of sanity snap, the engulfing waves of peace washed over you and immediately you felt a presence like never before. Suddenly the load didn't seem SO heavy, and the road up ahead wasn't THAT dim, and life becomes like a box of chocolates and come what may, you realize you can make it!

Jehovah Shalom~ The Lord is Peace

We are first introduced to Jehovah Shalom after the Lord appeared to Gideon and told him, "Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die." The Lord personally telling someone they are not going to die is GREAT news; however, the "do not be afraid" part is what really caught my eye. I believe God is saying the same thing to all of His children right now. Of course He's screaming it over our electronic devices, social networks, and anything else that can become a god in our lives. He is constantly saying, “Do NOT be afraid!" to whatever we are facing and going through. It may be the constant reminders that there is a recession; your place of employment has announced they are going to be laying off; the doctor has done the tests, but now comes the waiting period. God is saying to you, " (fill in your name) Do NOT be afraid!" I will handle whatever it is that has you concerned. I believe that in telling us not to be afraid, He also ask, the simple question "Do you trust me? Do you trust me enough, that I CAN handle whatever is going on in your life?”

In the Hebrew language, Shalom is used as a greeting and also has the deeper meaning behind it for the person to be well- satisfied, healthy, harmonious with themselves, others, and God. In Judges 6, I believe Gideon didn't know what to think when the meat was consumed by fire from the Lord, and when he realized just what had happened, automatically he went into panic mode. In the Bible day, it was a HUGE deal for the Lord to not only appear to a person face to face, but someone to see Him and live. But in his automatic mode of fret and fright, God greets him with Shalom because He wants to assure him that everything is all right. Gideon then builds an alter to the Lord and called it "The Lord is Peace".

Since the Lord is Peace, it’s only befitting that His Son holds the reigning title as being the Prince of Peace. The disciples were first-hand witnesses when Jesus spoke to the storm and commanded, “Peace be still”. I can just about imagine the looks on their faces as instantly there was silence when only nano seconds before Jesus was asleep, the disciples are wide awake, and Mother Nature is cutting up. Why they were up when Jesus was sleep will always be a mystery to me, but I learned two things from that story. One God is ALWAYS there, even when it is in the midst of your life’s storms. He promised He will never leave us or forsake us, and when you’re backed up against the wall, hold Him to His Word! The second thing I learned is that if God is resting in my trial, I should find rest in Him. Just like He spoke to the storm, His arms are wide open as He beckons us to find the peace we've been longing for in His arms. More than anything He desires for you to be satisfied, healthy, and harmonious in Him and with Him.

Judges 6
Mark 4
Hebrews 13:5

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Watch Me

Hagar was between a rock and a hard place. Her mistress Sarai had persuaded her husband to impregnate her, because as of yet there was no heir for Sarai's beloved husband Abram. As Sarai's maidservant, Hagar really couldn't argue with either of them, how could she? She was thought of as hired help and knew it was best to do what she was told. We have to be extremely careful how we treat people. A funny thing happens, the moment Hagar realizes, she's pregnant, she becomes indignant and begins to despise Sarai. As a lowly servant she was able to something the lady of the house could not do; become pregnant. Not to be outdone, Sarai talks it over with her husband and drives Hagar out of their home. Hagar comes to a spring of water where the Angel of the Lord finds her and begins to talk to her.

As the Angel of the Lord spoke to her, he asked her where she was coming from and where was she going, and then told her to do something that would require her to be a big girl. He tells her to go back to her mistress and submit to her. WOW! God has a way of challenging us to do what seems impossible at the time; but by His grace we can do anything. Finally, He gives her the name for the child she is carrying. I'm sure this servant girl was in utter amazement and bewilderment! The God of the universe had just stopped by to speak directly to her, at the lowest point in her life. She was beside herself! I can only imagine how she must have felt the moment she heard "HIS" voice. Is it just me, or do you become like a child on Christmas day when you know God has spoken to you? I get TOO pumped AND excited! I can hardly contain myself! After all, the enemy has sent a gazillion thoughts my way to make me feel like I REALLY am abandoned, unloved, and forgotten, and then~BOOM! A Word from the Lord! Like each of us Hagar had every reason to assume that she was by herself, and her back was up against the wall. Here she was alone, homeless, and to add insult to injury, pregnant.

El Roi~ The God Who Sees

Have you ever felt invisible? Have you ever felt like God had forgotten about you? Has there ever been a moment when you felt like you didn't matter? One of the new shows for the fall line-up is called "The Forgotten", and it the title alone could take up more than half of my autobiography. The other half could be titled "He Came Through". At some point in our lives we have felt that the God of grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness has forgotten about us. How can we not? Everyone else is getting their miracle, blessing, and breakthrough and as far as we know, they haven't EVEN sought Him in prayer or are even thinking that God is up to something in their life. They weren't even expecting a blessing. We don't ask for fortune or fame, just the small things like a job, a life mate, life's comforts, and still~ nothing. Where is God? I can only assume that Hagar felt this way.

My friends hold on! Do not despair, we are not forgotten! Hallelujah!!! I'm sure those tears Hagar was crying dried up once she realized El Roi had stopped by to see about her. Hagar called Him, "You Are the God Who Sees" and then probably was thinking aloud because she said, "Have I seen Him who sees me?" I imagine she was thinking to herself, "This is Abram and Sarai's God, not mine! But He saw ME! He came to where I was and saw ME, Hagar, the servant of Sarai. WOW! He saw ME!!! There was probably no one around for her to share in her excitement, but the fact that He saw her, was more than enough. After that life-changing experience, she COULD go back and humbly submit to Sarai, because God had seen her. Just in case Hagar ever THOUGHT about saying He had forgotten her, God told her to name her son Ishmael which means "God hears". Not only would Hagar have the precious memory that God had seen her, every time she called her sons name she would know that God hears.

Each of us can relax because He is watching us. He hears our prayers and sees our tears and has not forgotten us. Just bask in the news that for rest of your life, His eyes are on YOU. He doesn't go to sleep, doesn't get tired; doesn't get tired of watching over you. His eyes are on you. The same way God stopped by and ministered to Hagar in her darkest hour, will do the same for you. No longer are any of us forgotten because El Roi sees everything and right now His eyes are going back keeping watch over each and every one of us. As He did with Hagar He has a Word just for you, to comfort you in your darkest hour and inspire you to be all that He is calling you to be.

Genesis 16
Psalm 121: 3, 5-8