Thursday, April 1, 2010

Every Prayer

Psalm 39:12 Hear my prayer Lord, listen to my cry for help; do not be deaf to my weeping. I dwell with you as a foreigner, a stranger, as all my ancestors were.

Recently, I have fallen in love with Israel Houghton's "Every Prayer" sung with Mary Mary. I've been hearing the song for a minute, but it wasn't until I saw an amazing liturgical dance to the song that it became very personal and testimonial to me. Some of the lyrics are: I heard 'em say, you brought me from a mighty long way now today I can testify that I believe it. And on my way, I realized He's the One who kept me. When the storms of life arise, sleepless nights and desperate cries, He has captured every tear assuring me He hears every prayer, waiting on the answer only to discover He is near and He hears every prayer for He has done great things. And I believe He's a God that always answers prayer.

This Psalm lets us know that even David, a man after God's own heart found himself despondent and crying out to the Lord. Many times, we assume God has forgotten about as we see prayers of believer and non-believers alike getting answered. What a relief to be reminded that this great man of God also faced the same troubles as we do; however,I can't help but emphasize the beauty of a having prayer life. Even through our tears, prayer is priceless. We can be encouraged that God is near, actively listening and working on our behalf. The enemy wants us to become discouraged, depressed, and despair-but don't fall for his hype. Make a mental note, that all these words begin with the letter "d" just like his name. Jesus called him the father of lies! What is true, and will always remain true no matter what we face in this life, is the Word of God. Charles Stanley refers to the Bible as an "immovable anchor in times of storm". Even if you're struggling to believe that your prayers are being heard, remember that you are loved, never going through in your own strength,and He hears you and will not forget. Rejoice because the tears that you have cried are just watering the great blessing He has prepared especially for you. Every prayer is heard and answered in His time; every tear is dried and captured, and yes He still answers prayer. So what are you waiting for?

Psalm 34:15
Isaiah 64:4
Nahum 1:7
John 3:16
John 8:44